Written and posted on my Facebook profile(15 May 2013)
(PART 2)
List of scandals and extra info in the current Cabinet:
Ministry of Works
1. Minister: Fadillah Yusof (Sarawakian, timber concessionaries in Sarawak)
2. Deputy Minister: Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin (Sabahan, fails to address woes of general hospitals in sabah despite being deputy health minister)
Ministry of International Trade & Industry
1. Minister: Mustapa Mohamed (Failed to fight for Kelantan's oil royalties, 250million NFC scandal)
2. Deputy Minister: Hamim Samuri (no idea who this is)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1. Minister: Anifah Aman (400million timber oncessions)
2. Deputy Minister: Hamzah Zainuddin (sued by Anwar for defamation, settled a divorce case for 11.2million, 40 million outstanding case with ACA(the present MACC), 72 million fertillizer contracts for Felcra in 1994)
Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism
1. Minister: Hasan Malek (no idea whose this)
2. Deputy Minister: Ahmad Bashah Mohamad Hanipah (not a candidate for GE13, was pissed when Mukhriz was named Kedah MB)
Ministry of Communication & Multimedia
1. Minister: Ahmad Shabery Cheek (20 million Road to London but no gold medal delivered)
2. Deputy Minister: Jailani Johari (no idea whose this)
Ministry of Human Resources
1. Minister: Richard Riot Jaem (Sarawakian)
2. Deputy Minister: Ismail Abdul Muttalib (no idea whose this)
Ministry of Rural & Regional Development
1. Minister: Shafie Apdal (descendants of Suluks, mistress scandal in Kuala Lumpur)
2. Deputy Minister: Alexander Nanta Linggi (Sarawakian, land grab issues in Sarawak)
Ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing & Local Government
1. Minister: Abdul Rahman Dahlan (biggest liar in UMNO)
2. Deputy Minister: Halimah Mohamad Saddique (no idea whose this)
Ministry of Youth & Sport
1. Minister: Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar (docked by scandals alleging he rose to fame because of his father-in-law)
2. Deputy Minister: M. Saravanan (failed miserably to represent the Indian society)
Ministry of Health
1. Minister: S. Subramaniam (failed miserably to represent the Indian society, failed to implement the minimum wage policy successfully)
2. Deputy Minister: Hilmi Yahaya (no idea whose this)
Ministry of the Federal Territories
1. Minister: Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor (alleged to have lots of businesses involving gambling with his chinese friends)
2. Deputy Minister: J. Loga Bala Mohan (no idea whose this)
The Ministry of Plantation Industries & Commodities
1. Minister: Douglas Uggah Embas (Sarawakian)
2. Deputy Minister: Noriah Kasnon (no idea whose this)
Ministry of Energy, Green Technology & Water
1. Minister: Maximus Johnity Ongkili (Sabahan, failed miserably in addressing the woes of the local community in Sabah)
2. Deputy Minister: Mahdzir Khalid (ex Kedah MB, failed Project 990 East Langkawi)
Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry
1. Minister: Ismail Sabri Yaakob (incompetent in his position to make sure prices of necessities to not soar blatantly)
2. Deputy Minister: Tajuddin Abdul Rahman (the most rude person in Parliament, just check his records, challenges the speaker all the time, uses vulgurs)
Ministry of Tourism & Culture
1. Minister: Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz (linked to Michael Chia and Musa's 400million timber kickbacks, bullish and gung ho style, son multi millionaire who owns luxurious cars and enjoy a spendthrift lifestyle)
2. Deputy Minister: Joseph Salang Gandum (Sarawakian)
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
1. Minister: Ewon Ebin (Sabahan, failed miserably to address issues of the local natives)
2. Deputy Minister: Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah (no idea whose this)
Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment
1. Minister: G. Palanivel (failed terribly in resolving the woes of Indians)
2. Deputy Minister: James Dawos Mamit (Sarawakian)
Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development
1. Minister: Rohani Abdul Karim (Sarawakian)
2. Deputy Minister: Azizah Mohamad Dun (Sabahan)
Ps: Dont sue me, aku takde duit bayar.
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